Footnotes sv sthya The term yoga is the way to write according to the International Alphabet of Sanskrit Transliteration, which is used throughout Wikipedia in Spanish in the schools instead of the method is written DeRose Swasthya Yoga. Note that while sv sthya and yoga are Sanskrit words, this style of yoga is named in the twentieth century by DeRose, who is Portuguese. So its possible writing and corresponding Devanagari transliteration should not mislead: sv sthya yoga is not a term from ancient India. “You will find in Yajnavalkya-Smriti Hiranyagarbha That (Supreme Lord of the universe) Was the original teacher of Yoga. Patanjali Maharshi is only a compiler or Explainer of the tenets and Yogic Principles and Practise Taught by Hiranyagarbha and others’, Swami Sivananda: Ten Upanishads (p. 15). “Yoga originated in India five thousand years ago … … in harappiana or Dravidian civilization, which spread from the Indus River Valley” DeRose: Origins of Yoga Antiguo ( Buenos Aires: Kier, pp. 37). “can be detected traces of a primitive form of yoga and the so-called Indus civilization which flourished in the second and third millennia a. C.. “Georg Feuerstein: Textbook of Yoga (p. 53). Raghavan, conhece melhor India (pp. 12 and 25). Courtillier Gaston: Antigas civiliza oes (p. 24). Renatto Henriques: Yoga and Consciousness (pp. 26, 33, 34, 54 and 55). “Both are called Sanatana DWE, the two older disciplines. As Tara says Michael about the ancestral relationship and Sankhya Yoga “from the first formulations were inextricably intertwined with each other, ‘” Sergio Santos: Samkhya and Tantra (under “Yoga”), pp. 27. “The Yoga and Samkhya philosophical systems are so similar that most of the meanings of one are also valid for the other,” Mircea Eliade: eo Patanjali Yoga. Lisbon: Relogio D’ gua). DeRose, Y ga Treaty, p. 18. According to the Sanskrit-Espa ol Dictionary of Monier-Williams samyama means (among other things): “concentration of mind (comprising the performance of Dharana, dhyana and samadhi, or the last three stages in yoga).” sfx jpg According to the Sanskrit-Espa ol Monier-Williams Dictionary of the root ‘sam-ya’ means (among other things ) “or proceeds to go together.” DeRose: Yoga, Myths and Realities, pp. 329 From Chapter “General Standards”: “… Josyann Abisaab and important that seja formed or program so that flexes back sejam followed by Flex to face, and vice-versa, eo that we want next seja um practical for repeated do corpo seja for or outro lado.Esse necess rio Conceito of compensa o to draw or volta ao corpo balanced state. Specific compensa es Algumas s o alguns recommended asanas described neste livro. DeRose, Y ga advanced p. 35. The Rise of clean events in Buenos Aires, Cr tica Digital. DeRose, All about yoga. DeRose, Y ga advanced p. 42. All About Yoga, p. 66. “Among our students there were always persons of both sexes and all ages, professions, races and creeds.” All About Yoga, p. 34. “Youth is a biological, not chronological. I had many young students over sixty years old and less than twenty. ” Sivananda, Sri Swami. Kundalini yoga, 2nd ion (in Spanish), Kier, pp. 72. “Youth is the best time for yoga abhyasa.” Sivananda, Sri Swami. Kundalini yoga, 2nd ion (in Spanish), Kier, pp. 81.”The best time for yoga abhyasa is 20 to 40 years of age. Those who are strong and healthy can perform yogic practices even after 50 years of age. ” Blay, A.. Hatha yoga, 9. ion (in Spanish),Iberia, pp. 147. ‘ A reference to the techniques of hatha yoga (…) can be performed safely by Western disciple, always enjoying perfect health. “