No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty

Fungal Infections

February 13th, 2020

Fungal infections are as unclean or as a sign of lack of hygiene. Only a few are aware that it can affect anyone in principle… A fungal infection is considered in society often unclean or unsanitary. This widespread assumption is wrong. A fungal infection arises only when a suitable environment offered the mushrooms. This also applies to the risk of lavalier and portability.

The fungus like feuchtwarm. Therefore is a common form of athlete’s foot, which offered an ideal environment due to airtight sneakers and synthetic socks, to reproduce many women suffer from a completely different form of fungal infection: vaginal fungus. The unpleasant infection is caused by the Candida albicans fungus. The fungus can often go unnoticed on the skin live without, that it comes to an actual infection. About 10 15% of women, the fungus in the vagina even lives without causing the onset of vaginal fungus. Only changing the natural balance and brought out of balance, it goes back to the vaginal fungus Infection. Women who suffer from vaginal fungus, frequently assume, in the swimming pool, on strange toilets, to have infected mushroom in the sauna or through sexual intercourse with the Candida albicans. However, more, often unknown factors, mostly out of eight are allowed.

The following factors favor also infection with Candida albicans: sweet environment. The fungus eats mainly sugar. The sugar content of the vaginal secretions is particularly high, favors the a proliferation of Candida albicans fungus. There is an increased sugar budget by high blood sugar (diabetes) or a higher estrogen levels. Antimicrobial milieu. The natural balance of the vaginal secretions can be disturbed through the use of antibiotics. Important bacteria die off through the intake and allow the fungus to proliferate uncontrollably. Humid environment. The fungus like it just feuchtwarm. Narrow and synthetic underwear favour this climate, so that the fungus can spread freely. Lack of personal hygiene will also cause this unwanted humid climate in the vaginal area and can thus lead to a fungal infection. Weak milieu. The body’s defences are too weak, you can multiply the fungus without any restrictions and cause a yeast infection. Damaged environment. Also, an injured vaginal mucosa promotes vaginal fungus. Such damage can be done by inserting a tampon or through sexual intercourse. Excessive hygiene by perfumed toiletries can lead to deterioration of the mucous membranes, causing an accelerated growth of the fungus. Before you start treating a fungal infection, should be found out beforehand what type of fungal infection because it is. Only then can be taken specifically against the fungal infection and Candida albicans are successfully addressed. Already simple tips can speed up the treatment: underwear should be changed daily and from natural Fibers are. Gently and regularly clean the genital area. On scented products is to give. Keep the blood sugar, by sweet is not much. A fungal infection is a disease that can be caused by different and often unforeseen factors. In principle, every woman can suffer from vaginal fungus. Vaginal fungus or other fungal infection is therefore not a sign of uncleanliness or lack of hygiene. Fungal infections are no cause for shame and treatable with proper measures.


No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty