Health Health (from the Latin “salus,” ICU “) is the state of complete physical, mental and social, not merely the absence of infection or disease, as defined by the World Health Organization of its constitution of 1946 . can also be defined as the level of functional or metabolic efficiency of an organism at both the micro (cellular) and macro (social). In 1992 a researcher added to the WHO definition: “and in harmony with the environment”, thus expanding the concept. “Health is measured by the shock that a person can receive without compromising their way of life. Thus, the system of life becomes a criterion of health.” A healthy person is one who can live your dreams fully confessed “.. . Moshe Feldenkrais “Health is primarily a measure of the ability of each person to do or become what you want .”…Rene Dubos Physical fitness is the ability of the body to perform any type of exercise which shows that you have endurance, strength, agility, skill, subordination, coordination and flexibility. There is also mental health, which is characterized by balancing a person’s mental state and self-acceptance (thanks to the self and self-awareness), in clinical words, is the absence of any mental illness.