Most people will remember the unpleasant toothache. And often inadequately maintained teeth are the reason for this, so that the decay is caused to the tooth. The best remedy for toothache is of course always immediately take a painkiller, but this only provides temporary relief. And finally, you can not always this Schmerztabeletten because they bring some side effects. Look on it twice, while the dental pain often occur when the dentist is now closed, that is usually late in the evening or on weekends. Of course, then there is the opportunity to visit a dental emergency practice, but just is not the usual dental office, you know. And have just patients who are afraid of the dentist, will not seek such a dental emergency with great certainty. This leaves only after enduring the pain of this unpleasant and hope that they are not worse. Toothache grew an herb, it does not always immediately must be hard chemicals like maceExample painkilling tablets. There are some herbs that help not only against colds, flu or other diseases, but they can affect pain to the teeth. Under certain circumstances, these herbs can completely eliminate toothache. Below are some healing herbs for toothache: * Chamomile: Has a general anti-inflammatory. Rinsing with chamomile help against aching teeth or sores in the mouth. * Argentina anserina: Just make a decoction, and thus often washes out the mouth. * Parsley: Parsley rinses * Marjoram: A drop of marjoram on the affected tooth type. * Goldmohn: Bright yellow, orange and red flowers. Easily grown summer flower that grows well in our climate. The slightly narko Network Automation leaf juice was used by California Indians for toothache. * Tarragon: Relieves toothache, rheumatism, and generally helps with complaints against worms in children * rue: Crushed leaves are in toothache in hollow teethMore herbs filled against the toothache, for example, Horsetail, lemon balm, sage, lavender and myrrh. In general, there is always on the dosage and the application to the breast or alleviate pain. You will certainly be noticed, too, that are often included in most toothpastes, natural herbs, and not a few companies strongly suggest these natural supplements. If you are not sure of the dosage beziehhungsweise with the approach of these funds are, just ask quietly to your pharmacy. Not all herbs are available everywhere, it is advisable to ask simultaneously for a natural healing practice. You will be amazed at what herbs have achieved very good results in other diseases. Why do some plants produce the good or herbal healing, is because these plants rooted in soil, many threats and dangers to keep updated and developed so have a few weapons for a successful defense. As you can see, there are alternativeHealing and it must not always be the painkiller. Always ensure that a healthy diet in order to obtain the dental health positively upright.