No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty

History of E.H.I.S:

February 18th, 2009

Balanced Body Pilates equipment and education results from partnering with the … Pilates training and certification on fitness more flexible in the industry. …
In Chile, Antofagasta, Gran Via Altos area, geographic location 23a 40’31, 94”S 70th 24’02, 46”O 185 meters , was fitness presented exercise the first Intelligent Building Sustainable Housing exercise (EHIS) of the country and the world does not exist any record, called ‘Building Bicentennial.
This building was created, calculated and managed by the Civil Engineering Calculista Rodrigo Suarez Cuevas, a Chilean national, in August 2005, General Manager of Real Estate Limited and member of the Bicentennial directory Cuevas Construction Engineering Limited, who realize this and provide Innovation in the building. method This is the first prototype of sustainable and intelligent buildings housing bioclimatic Chile, incorporating technologies such as astrometry, home automation, ball inmotica, science ergonomic assisted 3D simulations for various areas such as fluid dynamics, earthquakes, wind, heat energy, such as claims fires, floods, (virtual reality), and other neo-engineering is also considering the new information technologies (NIT). the time has come for me to get that to get my abs happening All this, enhanced with professional tools in the transition from the use of thinner these new technologies and the classic, as are the psychological and anthropological sciences to name a few.
The building consists of 14 apartments housing type, equipped with a high range of facilities and equipment. In this building, including areas of human energy recovery, squash court, health room, to apply techniques of yoga, pilates, reiki and other disciplines. not to mention a space for art, performing a visual monthly renewal, enriching the human relationships in the daily life of the Bicentennial Building.
Grades must have a building housing intelligent sustainable:
Grade 1: minimal or basic intelligence (GI1)
Grade 2: half or sufficient intelligence (GI2)
Grade 3: average intelligence or good (GI3)
Grade 4: very flab good intelligence (GI4)
Grade 5: Intelligence excellent (GI5)
Grade 6: Intelligence optimal (GI6)
Intelligent Building Sustainable Housing, is a reality, these homes are on a European level abdomen of fat construction in an environmentally sound and that meet all the indicators of sustainability. Thanks to the concept in its genesis, a design process of a constructive and intelligent, sustainable and environmentally friendly with more than 150 items for your configuration. Rodrigo Cuevas S., has identified a number of parameters and 6 degrees of intelligence, in this new kind of building. These are used to determine the degree of ‘intelligence’ of a particular building. In Bicentennial Building, have faithfully followed these subjects, which include: the use of materials which required the least possible energy to be obtained, using materials that generated the least amount of waste (Kyoto Protocol) local labor, natural materials, to think of the building to be recycled once they have to demolish that biodegrade part or all lose inches of their workout materials, adding the interrelationship of ergonomics and astrometry to generate a new way of building towards the human being, innovation – efficiency. href “” lang “en”> andamp Thrive Pilates Arlington, Alexandria: Get Strong, Lean, Flexible – Translate
Pilatesnot express their teachers method, but several students … lose weight It is flexible enough to be deformed, offering a …
… dedicated to the engineering practice of Pilates. was designed by is also a pilates trainer The original technique is based on the … IF YOUR COLUMN IS FLEXIBLE at age 60, you are young. “JHPILATES. …

UNT Pilates – Idebenone Serum by UNT


No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty