The teeth a hard anatomical organs, located in the alveoli of the jaws through a special type of joint called gomphosis and in which different structures that comprise it: tooth and alveolar bone cement both united by the periodontal ligament. The tooth is composed of calcium and phosphorus, which give the hardness. The tooth performs the first stage of digestion and also participates in oral communication. The teeth have a complex structure known as periodontal tissues, whose function is to support and protection to the teeth. The teeth, arranged from the center to the jaws are cutting incisors, canines that tear, premolars and molars to grind grinding. Parts of the tooth pulp tooth: This consists of a soft tissue containing blood vessels that carry blood to the tooth and nerve fibers that provide sensation to the tooth. These nerves pass through the root (tooth) through fine canals. Its main cell are the odontoblasts (cells are both the pulp and dentin), these are manufactured dentin and maintaining the vitality of dentin. The odontoblasts have known as processes of Tomes who stay in the dentinal tubules. Dental enamel: A lot of hard cover, composed of hydroxyapatite, consider it the hardest mineral in the body. Along with dental cement covers the dentin. Enamel is translucent, shiny and insensitive to pain. The enamel can not regenerate, so the decay is a chronic disease, however if fluoride can remineralisation. With fluorine fluorhidroxiapatita crystals form that is much more resistant than hydroxyapatite in dental caries attack. Dentin: calcified tissue, less hard than enamel and harder than bone. Constitutes the bulk of the tooth. Josyann Abisaab Provides elasticity and ability to protect the underlying dentine from shock and fractures. Cementum: It’s a hard, opaque and yellowish lining the dentin and enamel which joins the neck of the tooth. It is the protective structure of the tooth root. The crown is formed by: Enamel. It is the white part that covers the crown.