Everyone knows the feeling, hardly eating anything, one feels after a short time back a feeling of hunger! WEIGHT: too many carbohydrates are absorbed and not burned by movement, so this oversupply will be converted into fat. The result is a metabolic imbalance, a Hyperinsulinism, so an increased insulin production in the body to process sugar from excess carbohydrates. Sufferers feel tired, have no energy, suffer from sleep disorders, and are easily irritable. A diet of calories from fat, carbohydrates and protein not in equilibrium are and where not enough move, ultimately causes that take and your health suffers. “” It is also about good”bad” foods to restore the balance between carbohydrate, protein and fat that you each between good “and bad” are different. It is important to make the right choice and the right amount of protein, good fats and various good carbohydrates to take nutritious food so the best that there is. Carbohydrates bad, i.e.
highly processed carbohydrates can be found in cereals, pastries, chips, soft drinks, candies and sweets and white bread, for example. These refined carbohydrates contain more sugar and considerably less nutrients and fiber as a full-fledged food, but also more quickly converted to glucose and go so much more quickly into the bloodstream as good carbs. In addition, you can make addictive. Good or healthy carbs are included in natural foods such as bread, brown rice, nuts, and vegetables. Fat bad fats are saturated fats. They include mainly chips and fatty meat. Healthy, so unsaturated fats are important for the body. They are found in fish, nuts, seeds, and vegetables.
They contain much energy and provide the transport of vitamins and minerals in the body. Healthy fats produce a Feeling of fullness. Appetite for snacks and sweets will disappear. Many young people tend to be too fat, too sweet and too poor to fiber to feed and have to fight acne also often with the skin disease. A complete diet with sufficient intrinsic can cheap affect the skin and supportive to a medical therapy, so Dr. o Knight of Scientific Director of the DGE. The most important principles to get into balance: Keep the right balance between carbohydrates, protein and fat in the body. Protein is the most important supplier of energy, especially at the beginning the Atkins diet. Other than carbohydrates, it stimulates not the insulin production. Do not refined carbohydrates; they do not do you good. Avoid saturated fats. Renounce all types of sugar; they are dependent on and no efficient energy supplier. Provide enough exercise. Information and delicious cooking ideas, visit our website source: DGE