It is very possible, more than likely, even if you put into practice this plan of shock so that your prominent abdomen forms part of the past, in one week you might not get lower than a couple of inches of waist. But if you think about it, two centimeters is one size. And thats much. If you’re going to put the bar higher because you need to lose more fat in your waist, you should consider a more long term goal, but the results will be optimal if you take it seriously, with patience, and above all, with good humor. These are the fundamental guidelines that must be met in a week:-morning: Madruga for breakfast sitting and calmly. Drink a glass of warm water with a tablespoon of olive oil and the juice of a lemon.
(Knows a little bad, but you get used right away and is an excellent plunger of the bile ducts and gall bladder, is how to clean the filters to a car). Whole grain cereal or toast with jam, dispenses with a skimming with a kiwi, or blueberries, yogurt and coffee if you can or raspberries, or strawberries inside. You can put jam or sweetener. A scrambled egg or a couple of slices of Deli Turkey Breast. Anything from bakery, crackers or sugar. -At noon: drink only water and not while you eat, anything from sugary sodas, nor even with the promise that they are Light. Nothing fried, breaded, rice, bread, or pasta. Pure protein with MOSS fitting.
A plan of shock is a shock plan. Your abdominals are struggling to emerge from the sheath of fat, don’t forget. -Evening: dinner early, as at least two hours before bedtime, always begins with a soup and a small ration of protein, and not trasnoches, the body burns calories while you sleep. Follow these guidelines involves visible results within a week, but keep them with a somewhat more permissive tone allows you to lose abdominal fat and not to retrieve more. I found a program to develop an abdomen marked for anyone who wants to see results in 21 days. This program is designed so that you can start to burn fat and lose weight faster than you think it is possible.