Always alternative payment methods have come into focus of the persons or companies when times were bad. Although the results arise, for example, the ‘barter system’, usually as a result of financial hardship may actually be the basic principle used in any economic situation. Purely application-it is obviously much easier to find people in the “normal financial world” who wish to acquire or offer only a little. Considerably more difficult is to two or more persons or companies that complement each other through mutual interests or needs, leading to a partnership. GetSync trying to make this difficult situation, and to inspire by offering a variety of activities and functions of the Internet users. In the span of possible business relationships has no limits. Whether it is the exchange of Christmas presents to children, or the compensation of excess or shortfall in human resources management of a large company, everything can befinally mapped on virtual accounts. The new online marketplace doing the experiment, the cashless barter deal, whether socially or professionally put together in a common portal. The range of functions and therefore differs considerably from that of general classifieds markets in the Internet business. The members of these so-called exchange rings, it is important that their exchange offers will be presented in detail and understand, and the settlement of swap transactions is carried out safely and fairly. Compared to the normal sale of a product, it is often within circles of exchange and the exchange of a service, or a hybrid form, such as goods for work. offers an extensive and mainly free service to swap around. These include mainly: 1 The ability to create a personal profile, which in addition to the purely personal data, such as address, age and picture also include information specific to their own skills by definingProperties permits. 2. The definition of complex partner relationships that are can be created in any way – relationships with multiple partners or ring relations while not a problem 3rd Evaluation of all barter transactions by the partners involved and the corresponding ranking of the individual members. 4. Management of a virtual account in one, defined by the member currencies including the possibility of manual or automated transfer of funds between exchange partners. Furthermore, an advanced member search and a built-in scheduling are available. All activities can be managed under a structured surface very easily controlled, partnerships such as exchange offers or the personal and the current status of the account. The problem at this exchange ring to explain – the user that he should not only ask for benefits, but you also need to provide – is currently regarded as the greatest challenge.