No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty


November 18th, 2023

Lic. Irma Liliana de el Prado * organize the space and time to create a propitious climate, are indisputable. ** Objects, materials, tools, instruments, accessories, boxes, tubes, hats, papers, ribbons, costumes, dolls, stones and a myriad of objects with possibilities to symbolize more or less easily. ** The size of the group, it is linked with the quantity and variety of games or tasks that can be performed at one time. ** The teacher must attend carefully planning the school spaces, meet with furniture is counted and the materials with which the task is planned. Take into account not only the fixed space of the classroom, but think about other possible to be occupied spaces. ** The time plays an important role in the Organization’s activities.

* Interaction between the protagonists: students and teachers. The teacher can do various activities, importantly, always this is where children need it with unselfish and available care provision in the various situations arising from the game. * School content: this should be interjugar with other variables from the intentionality of teaching, with clear reference to the use of language as a mediator. The treatment of school content implies that the teacher deliberately conducive to addressing information, facts, of conceptualizations of standards, skills, that Iran shelling in the process of the playful situation. It is not a unique and precise moment, but defined, why it is necessary that the teacher handled them fluently, with authority, that have previously planned them so that it will be available when the dynamics of situations determined by. ** The atmosphere or climate of the class.

Throughout school and playful situation especially, must deal with a positive and flexible in time and space, environment rich in possibilities, with a multiplicity of objects and situations that invite to observe, manipulate, and explore exercising actions on objects. A climate that will allow a fluent social interaction and Linguistics between teachers and children, to help reflect on what is being done, what we think, what is discussed and which is concluded between all. A teacher must be bouncy and stimulating so it favors the harmonic combination of knowledge and the game in the classroom.


No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty