The plot unfolds in the fictional Neptune (California), a city where there is no middle class or rich or working for them. In this city of contrasts find Veronica Mars, our protagonist, who see their existence as the unimaginably changed overnight. It all begins when the body of his best friend, Lilly Kane, is found with signs of violence by the pool of his mansion. After the tragic incident, the father of Veronica, the local sheriff, soon to accuse the father of the victim (the billionaire Jake Kane) in his murder. Keith’s obsession to incriminate Jake despite not having any proof of their guilt, will raise a lot of discussion that will end with his dismissal as local Sheriff. In addition, the pressure of the elite society of Neptune cause the separation of marriage Mars, and Veronica’s mother, unable to hold her, abandon her husband and daughter.As if all this were not enough, Veronica look like from one day to another happens to be one of the most popular of the Institute … to become the center of all the ridicule of his peers. In addition, her boyfriend (and brother of Lilly), Duncan, left days before everything happened without any explanation. Months later, we met Keith Mars with its own private investigation agency (“Mars Investigations”), which will have the invaluable help of his daughter Veronica, who combines her studies and work in the agency’s independent research case of the Kane family. Throughout the season, Veronica will get new clues and leads that come closer to solving the murder. Also, help your fellow high school with problems that require talent and ingenuity to the investigation.Being outcast for supporting his father, Veronica will have very few friends, limiting these to Wallace (Percy Daggs III), the new kid in school, Mac (Tina Majorino), a true expert in computers and Meg (Alona Tal), the cheerleading squad. To make matters worse, during the same during the school year, dramatic changes will happen at the Veronica’s love life: start out with Duncan’s friend, Troy Vandergraff (Aaron Ashmore), with which, after discovering some of the gory details his life, decided to break the relationship. Later, Veronica will meet Leo, a police officer three years older than her, but their relationship will not last long, while remaining as friends. In the realm of love, and being one of the couples that carry a greater number of followers, it also resolved the tension between Veronica and Logan Echolls (Llilly former boyfriend), whose relationship (very rough) will evolve from its initial point to nemesis something else.