No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty


October 10th, 2014

Not being plus no secret of that water, a hdrico resource that already comes suffering with the conscience lack, has gradual if depleting. The pollution of the rivers with innumerable not biodegradveis substances, the irresponsible consumption and without sustainable recital in the economic development are excellent factors in the process of reduction of the water.

Beyond the contamination of the water, the wastefulness exists that starts in the net of defective distribution and with the precarious maintenance and the use irrational domestic servant. An example is in the hour where if it goes to take bath: a on shower per 10 minutes spends about 160 liters of water, the double of the daily amount enough for a person to remain in satisfactory levels of health and hygiene. With so great wastefulness, one of the biggest problems is installed that are the scarcity of the water in all planet, together to a chaos that will be able to be installed in the humanity, since, without water, it does not have support. These situations are possible to occur in short term, therefore already countries exist that already pass for these problems, the example of Egypt, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Holland and Cingapura. In the last times never it was said in such a way in alerting and in educating the humanity to look at it stops backwards and taking off examples of its proper committed errors.


No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty