The action of insulin in almost all cases the overweight is associated with the hyperinsulinism: i.e. the excess insulin secretion. This hormone is to decrease blood glucose concentration when this is high and bring it to its normal concentration. But it also has the enfadosa property to enable the formation of fats (lipogenesis). When we take carbohydrates rises glucose concentration in the blood. Depending on the type of carbohydrates, glucose concentration rise more or less. This defines the index (GI) Glycemic specific to each carbohydrate.
For example sugar has a very high glycemic index and thus causes a significant increase of blood glucose concentration. Difference between people who tend to gain weight or lose weight the more raise blood glucose concentration, the greater the secretion of insulin by the pancreas. What differentiates a person with a tendency to be thin for a person with a tendency to gain weight is that, the first secretes the insulin right amount while the second will release an excess of insulin that will make the rounds and will cause that this person fattening. The key to weight loss: restrict carbohydrates with IG high if you have tendency to clog up the key is to control what type of carbs eat. You have to favor low glycemic index carbohydrates and avoid those who have a high GI.
Don’t worry so much for calories or fat content. It is demonstrated that this is not more decisive. This is the principle on which the Montignac diet is based. These patterns of power along with a less sedentary lifestyle will help you achieve the look and health you are looking for.