In accordance with Barros (2007), the state of the Piau, for example, is rich in natural beauties, meets the biggest concentration of archaeological small farms there, that is, the Delta of the Parnaba that if opens to the Atlantic Ocean, beyond attractive all tourist is rich in ecology, history, culture and religion. All this attractive force is capable to put into motion resources, to inject new currency, to generate jobs, to improve the level of life of the populations, to create new services and to value already the existing ones and to contribute for the peace between the peoples. The tourists bring favorable returns, as the economic contribution for the growth of the region, therefore, as well as the other customers, they must well be taken care of, so that they have the return desire. In accordance with the quality of the attendance, will be responsible for the propaganda, attracting future visiting customers. In this in case that, it fits to the entrepreneurs to develop an activity directed toward well-being satisfaction of its customers, through the good relation and of the incentive given to its employees with regard to the qualification, beyond being cliente of the basic laws of hygiene.
However, it remains to know which the level of quality offered in the enterprises of the nourishing branch. For this, as sampling, we use the city of Parnaba/Piau, observing and analyzing if it has consideration of the entrepreneurs with regard to the basic points for a good satisfactory attendance and infrastructure to its customers. I IT PERMANENCE IN the MARKET OF WORK In a globalizado world, repleto of innovations, the permanence in the market this being each more complex time. So that an enterprise obtains to survive is necessary that it offers its services with quality. Before approaching the subject, we need to define first what it is a service.