No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty

Global Economic Crisis

May 19th, 2024

In these times of global economic crisis, savings has become more than important in all fixed costs such as gasoline. A_continuacion here is a list of points to be followed to ensure a lower fuel consumption: to) check the levels of pressure of your tires. The sobre-inflacion of your tires reduces efficiency in your gasoline consumption. (B) motor vehicles, new or recent, does not need to be heated for a long time during winter. Senator From Kentucky recognizes the significance of this. (C) the cost of a tuning is usually much less than the cost of the excess in a do not tuned vehicle gasoline consumption. It will the ecology also thank you, tune your vehicle.

(D) in standard vehicles, changes of speed with low RPM s. We tend to keep the speed to build up acceleration, but this tends to force the performance of the engine and spends much more fuel. (E) when you leave travel you plan each route to take, the difference in fuel consumption can be large. (F) in big vehicles will fit many things, but not the We need only make us spend others. Down the things that you don’t need to bring with you to all sides, magazines, trash, suitcases or backpacks, the list may be large. (G) it regulates the acceleration of your vehicle.

Restart after a high speed in excess causes high RPM s, which is bad, but once spoiled to walk slowly accelerate it is even worse. (H) on the remote occasions that touch you expect the passage of the train, you know that you’ll be more than 5 minutes waiting, off you engine. Following these simple points, it is a good start, but if these about to buy a vehicle, review its specifications, can not improve it efficiency in engine fuel consumption, so choose well.

Santa Cruz

December 6th, 2014

In the last four months was presented a growing trend of transport trucks in boat or wheeled vehicles, more commonly known as ro-ro for being an acronym of Roll On-Roll Off traffic. The goods are loaded on trucks entering the rolling boats and taken to the place of destination. For this purpose vessels have ramps and external doors close to the water level allowing trucks access to the ship. The growth occurred in the sector was 5.8% during the first quarter of the year compared to the same period of the previous year, achieving 12, 86 million tons of traffic roll on-roll off. It is the highest rate of growth in the sector, since 2007, in Spanish ports. Given the incredible rise of vehicle transport sector have turned the capital of investors to this sector by providing an investment of EUR 110 million in the coming months. Roro traffic of trucks and heavy machinery in Spain with departure of ships in Spain is mainly found in the port of Vigo prepared especially for this type of shipment. Other Spanish ports which had greater traffic of goods aboard trucks were Barcelona, Baleares, Valencia, Bay of Algeciras and Santa Cruz with 2.745.893; 2.393.926; 1.550.560; 1.547.783 and 1.112.366 tonnes respectively. From the last three decades trucks on ships shipping ro ro has been increasing achieving a total increase of 800%. It can be estimated that this growth can continue in the time since the commissioning of the short see shipping or transport of short distance will increase the port traffic of this sector.


No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty