No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty

Environmental Health Protection

March 23rd, 2015

Since the early 90-ies in the scientific community that studies environmental issues, began to spread a new concept – the concept of health protection. The problem of health protection is very important for the country's economy. As assess the health of complex ecosystems, flora and fauna, and communication within the environment. Evaluation is difficult even for biologists? It is obvious that to solve even a small portion of these serious issues must be participation of each subject of the federation, each, even a small production, and, of course, large industrial enterprises, affecting the health of the environment for managerial decision making is important implement job evaluation method of environmental health in the overall system for environmental monitoring. This work can and should be carried out in several stages.

The first stage of works on this principle should be the assessment of the impact of an enterprise or production environment: soil, water, air. Consequently, each company must have the documents, normalizing and taking into account the estimate impact on the environment. Examples of these basic instruments include environmental projects: Draft standards for waste and limits on their placing DWGNDL; Project allowable emissions MPE; Project Protection Zone spz. Every enterprise, based on existing and operating in the Russian Federation legislation, should have such projects and to implement measures to improve the environment. For example, one of the principles of Environment is the prohibition of projects that may lead to degradation of natural ecological systems change and (or) destruction of the genetic pool of plants, animals or other organisms, depletion of natural resources and other negative changes in the environment (Article 3 of the Federal Law on Environmental Protection).

Developed on the basis of the company dwgndl issues for existing facilities standards for waste and limits on their placing. Based on the draft vat calculated the allowed amount of harmful emissions into the atmosphere at the company. Draft Protection Zone (SPZ) developed on the basis of health regulations and establish hygienic requirements to the size of protective buffer zones, depending on the sanitary classification of enterprises, buildings and other facilities, the requirements for their organization and improvement, the reasons for the revision of these dimensions. All the above listed environmental projects (DWGNDL, mpe, SPZ) must be the conclusion of sanitary-hygienic expertise to each project to for compliance with existing hygienic requirements. All environmental projects developed in our organization conform to existing health standards. In addition, we undertake technical support of the developed design documentation and its approval to the inspecting authorities.


No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty