AP 21:8 But, how much to the fearful ones, and the skeptics, and to abominable, and to the homicides, and the adultery ones, and the wizards, and idlatras, and all the liars, its part will be in the burning hot lake of fire and sulphur, that is the second death. We have that to be conscientious that to sin and not to use to advantage the life and yes to lose the communion with God. Is 59:2 but your iniquities make separation between you and your God; your sins had hidden its face of you, in way that does not hear you. You who if judge the smart one for practising everything that she comes in your mind, in the truth you know that not and happy, and who you have an emptiness of you inside that the women do not fill nor your money, nor your new car, much less your beautiful house, your friendships alone makes you to feel itself glad at the moment that are together, but when you put the head in the pillow to the sadness arrives and you know that this not gaining your life, but this if losing perpetual, but sees what Christ speaks now with you. Hb 4: Today, if to hear its voice, you do not harden yours hearts.
Christ opens your heart to fill this emptiness that exists inside of you, Christ wants to make dwelling in your heart. AP 3:20 Here it is that I am to the door and I beat; if somebody to hear my voice, and to open the door, I will enter in its house, and with it I will cearei, and it with me. III. ' ' But who to lose its life for love of me and evangelho' ' This affirmation of Christ does not want to say that it also judges that who to abandon the pleasures of this world for love it and to evangelho this losing the life here in the land, but it used the argument that the society surrounded that it used, therefore the text that if follows express the real thought of Christ for who abandons everything for love it.