The test was conducted with a digitizer Genius MousePen 8×6 USB interface (the one pictured) on a personal computer with Kubuntu Linux (kernel 2.6.20-16-generic) and KDE v3. It’s something complicadillo so if you only interested in results, feel free to skip the lines of code to the end.In terminal: wget xhorak28/wizardpen-driver-0.5.0.tar.gz tar-xvzf wizardpen-driver-0.5.0.tar.gz wizardpen cd-driver-0.5.0 Now we have to compile the driver. We will need to make some adjustments before, or if we do not generate an annoying error. In terminal: sed-ie ‘s, include “/ usr/X11R6/lib/X11/config/Server.tmpl “,’ Imakefile We create a Makefile from Imakefile disposal.The command gave me back an error (cp: can not stat on . / Wizardpen drv.o ‘: No such file or directory), so I checked the files in the source folder and saw that there were none wizardpen drv.o called, so I copied to folder the two files whose names were more like: sudo cp. / wizardpen / usr / lib / xorg / modules / input / sudo cp. / wizardpen.o / usr / lib / xorg / modules / input / thus the matter was settled.