No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty

Theory Human

July 1st, 2015

As already cited previously (CHIAVENATO, 1999), with the Theory of the Relations Human beings was transferred to study it the influence of motivation in the behavior of the people. Although this is only one of the internal factors that influence the human behavior, it is given as much importance because the motivation acts, in general, on the necessities of the individuals, in order supriz them to reach the objectives, personal as in such a way organizacionais (CHIAVENATO, 1999). These necessities human beings, had as active and impulsionadoras forces of the behavior, present an enormous imensido. This because the people are different between itself, possess different necessities and these, consequently, produces behavior standards that vary of individual for individual. Although all these enormous differences, in research carried through concerning the human behavior, were evidenced that the process that dinamiza the human behavior is more or less similar for all the people. Being based on the estimated ones of Chiavenato (1998, P. 76-77) three assumptions can be defined to explain the human behavior, of which the analysis in them is valid, therefore they are closely related with the motivation process: ) The human behavior is caused, that is, a causalidade of the behavior exists. As much the hereditary succession as the environment influences decisively on behavior of the people.

The behavior is caused by internal or external stimulatons. the concept of motivation in the theory of the relations human beings b) the behavior is motivated, that is, it has a purpose in all human behavior. The behavior is not causal, nor random, but always guided and directed for some objective. c) The human behavior is guided for personal objectives. Underlying the all behavior always exists an impulse, a desire, a necessity, a trend, expressions that serve to assign the reasons of the behavior. Being the human behavior basically guided by objectives, they are known or unconscious, it is evident the importance of if associating motivacionais attitudes to these objectives.


No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty