The international healthy enjoy Dresden 15.11.2010 One should never travel without health insurance. You should ask before leaving his legal or private health insurance company, insurance cover for the planned foreign trip is to what extent and whether even a medical transportation is covered. Very important! Still you should inform himself at his doctor’s Office or at the pharmacy about specific health risks and preventive measures for the country. It is also advisable to check its immunisation before the scheduled foreign trip and if necessary supplement. Lighter and easier you can not prevent disease. That’s why nothing forgotten. When traveling in tropical and subtropical countries, you should after malaria’ can check and if necessary advise for malaria prophylaxis. In southern countries, mosquitoes and insects are dangerous pathogens.
Therefore when traveling in southern countries always a mosquito repellent, insect repellent in the rice luggage carrying. Abroad, in particular in southern Countries, keep always to the basic rules of food hygiene. Sun, heat and time difference are influences to which the body must adapt. This is especially true if the differences are extreme. You should give his body time to adapt to a different climate, and at any time difference. Should a major time difference between the country and Germany, then speak with his physician, whether temporarily an other intake rhythm for appropriate medication is necessary. A small travel kit helps smaller injuries and facilitate health problems.
Should occur after the return, in spite of all care, fever, persistent diarrhea, or other health problems, then quickly checked by the doctor. Specifically point out the made foreign travel. If you travel on your own, you asked for the address and telephone number of the German Embassy prior to departure ‘ or Consulate in the country. So you have always have a contact in case of emergency. Learn more about the health and to the travel pharmacy abroad: foreign gesundheit.html operates and markets the portal a portal for private education in the country and abroad. The information portal, including education abroad, are knowledgeable and in compact form, with lots of useful information and helpful tips. Will helped the visitors, make good decisions when planning his own education or training. As a service, some hand-picked educational providers with different capacities are recommended.