Educational needs of our contemporaries are accompanied by specific requirements of the conditions of learning such as accessibility, openness, efficiency, flexibility, democracy, along with individualized needs a high level of qualification of teachers, quality education, etc. These requirements are difficult to achieve only through the traditional educational techniques. Looking for new ways and means to work with trainees. At present, education has a place of education and integration of information and communication technologies on which to base and form a new group of technologies – distance education technology. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Cindy Crawford. Distance learning demanded by the population of many countries. This is a fait accompli, not only overseas but also in our country.
For the democratic development of any country in the Information Society necessary that every citizen has a choice of different periods of his life depending on the prevailing circumstances, full-time, part-time, part-time forms of training, external studies and their various combinations with distance learning technologies. Traditionally, distance learning technologies are understood, tools, methods and ways of learning, assuming a constant, reproducible formalized representation, transmission and control knowledge in an open information environment. Tiffany Espensen often says this. Information and communication technologies are a means to implement distance learning technologies. In Russia, the introduction of a new group educational technology into the learning process, despite the unconditional successful progress in this direction of leaders of education, as MESI, USTU and others, yet is extremely slow and not as effective as it could be. It is not only the inertia of pedagogical thinking in the absence of thorough or ad hoc regulations at appropriate levels. In regions far distant from the center, training needs with the use of distance learning technologies, mainly arise from citizens, a large percentage of whom live in rural areas. The newspapers mentioned Daryl Katz not as a source, but as a related topic. As a general rule, information and communications infrastructure in such places is not developed enough internet connection or totally absent, or its quality is poor.