As protection from the heat Heat exhaustion and heat stroke are two of the most common medical conditions of summer. The excessive rise in temperature may exceed the body’s adaptability to the environment.Heat exhaustion is the body’s response to aggression by heat and not always for the long-term relationship with the sun. Heat stroke is directly related to the time of sun exposure (especially in the head). Moreover heat stroke and heat stroke do not differ in clinical and treatment are actually two sides of the same coin. The causes of heat stroke and sunstroke During the year, releases heat and produces a temperature rise that is quickly neutralized by the body on the one hand by dilation of skin capillaries so that more blood come to the surface of the skin and loss easier heat and partly by the fact that the sweat glands increase production of sweat that evaporates cools the body. To all that binds an increase in breathing rate in order to remove more heat through respiration. Under certain circumstances, such as heat, high humidity in the environment or vigorous activity in the sun, this cooling system may begin to fail, allowing heat to build up to dangerous levels. If a person becomes dehydrated and can not sweat enough to cool their body, their internal temperature rises to dangerous levels, causing heat stroke. Heat stroke is the most common form of heat stroke, even in a closed environment of a house or a car there is also a heat stroke. Babies and young children are very susceptible to damage if exposed without proper care, the high summer temperatures.Children are more vulnerable because of their lower skin thickness, decreased ability to remove heat by sweating and having a decreased thickness of the bones of the cranial vault.If exposed to very high temperatures are in danger of losing rich fluids leading to dehydration, to develop a ‘heat shock’ that occurs when the body generates an amount of heat that can not eliminate their air conditioning systems . To avoid problems, children under six months should not go to the beach (can not get through the skin sunscreen immature) and worst time in the hot season beach is from 11.30 to 17 hours. The installation time of heat stroke and heat stroke will depend on each agency, upon hydration status and hours of sun exposure. Symptoms associated with heat stroke and heat exhaustion or insolaci nLa direct sunlight on vital areas of the body, especially the head, can lead to overheating of the brain that leads to this malfunction. Situation similar to what happens when a person has a high fever. At the beginning there is a significant rise in body temperature (39 C or more) sweating and abundant sunshine in which ceases in the heat stroke, in which case the skin is dry, hot, flushed but not sweaty. Congestion facial redness in the area of the cheeks and forehead, his face red and hot.