No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty

Language And Culture

October 19th, 2017

REPUBLIC OF PARAGUAY ATENEO GUARANI LANGUAGE AND CULTURE GUARANI, MERCOSUR nE'e Teet THE ATENEO turned 24 and celebrated with the collation of new licenses in Guarani Yesterday, September 23, 2009, our ATENEO GUARANI LANGUAGE AND CULTURE turned 24 years, and by way of remembrance and celebration, we at 16 hours, GRADUATION CEREMONY OF THE NINTH DEGREE IN PROMOTING Guarani language, the SECOND PROMOTION OF LANGUAGE AND CULTURE IN Magistere GUARANI, and FIRST PROMOTION OF DOCTORS IN LANGUAGE AND CULTURE GUARANI. The event took place at Headquarters in Julia Miranda Cueto ATENEO 1721 between Ytororo and RI 3 Corrales (South – City of Fernando de la Mora). Del ATENEO GUARANI LANGUAGE AND CULTURE, 24 years of institutional life, nearly 23,000 have graduated Language Teachers Guarani, Guarani language graduates 1837; 103 Magistere Guarani Language and Culture, and Language Doctors Guarani 2 Also, the trained ATENEO the Guarani Language Basic Course (8 months) 65,000 people, mostly teachers. In addition, more than 250,000 people have been updated by the Guarani Language ATENEO through conferences, seminars, conferences. The ATENEO GUARANI LANGUAGE AND CULTURE is a legal entity, independent, civil, progressive, scientific, cultural, recognized by Law 2574, as an institution of higher education, university autonomy and status, responsible for cultivating and spreading the Language and Culture Guarani, and also declared of cultural interest by the Deputy Minister of Education Culture MEC, according to Resolution N 21/97.

The ATENEO LANGUAGE AND CULTURE GUARANI develops Guarani language courses and cultural promotion activities in 100 districts of the departments of Concepcion, San Pedro, Cordillera, Guaira, Ka'aguasu, Ka'asapa, Itapua, Misiones, Paraguari, Alto Parana, Central ne'embuku, Amambay, Kanindeju, President Hayes, and Boqueron. In addition, the Regional ATENEO has Argentina, Brazil, Spain, USA and Italy. ATENEO nane ko guive onepyru hembiapo broom ndopytu'ui, ARA has been omotenondeve omyasai oneha'a RA Avane'eme Nane. 24 arype heta mba'ema inambue mba'e Guarani porara Ne'eman. Nane rupive rembiapo ATENEO oguereko challenges heta katupyry mbo'ehara omba'apova Avane' rayhupape Nane, Nane ohayhukajeyva Guarani Mita has mitarusukuerape has mba'e tuicha peva, peva omoingovejey ne'e teetepe Nane. Jaha jahahape jajuhukuaa heta-hembiapo ohechaukava pysyrohara Guarani-imborayhu rupive ne'e Guaranire Nane. Horyveva Maitei opavavepe David Galeano Olivera (ATENEO Motenondehara).


No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty