No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty

PBH Work

February 26th, 2022

The objective of this work is not to carry through a denunciation of the treatment given to these pupils, but of problematizar the representations that the educational agents have on ' ' includo' ' , trying to identify and to mapear such representations in the daily positions of our schools. As already mentioned previously, some had been the authors who already had launched light on the subject argued here, however are few the ones that try to enxergar the problem of the representations. Much is said on the necessity of if having an inclusive school, but little it is argued on what it would be a school that not only integrates, but also includes (or in contrast, since it does not have a cohesion of such concepts in the references worked here) all the children in the pertaining to school scope. In cerne of the quarrels of the inclusion area it is always the doubt: what then it would change in the regular school for the sprouting of this ' ' new escola' '? It fits to designate that it is not had in the present work, the naivety to obtain to answer such inquired question as many times for that they believe and they desire the inclusion. Taking in consideration the viability of the present research, the field work was carried through in a school that the years receives pupils with all the types of NEE in its regular rooms of education. The author of the present work also possesss a familiarity degree that it facilitated to the access to the comment of the field and the necessary interviews for the concretion of the research. This familiarity happens of a period of training carried through in the mentioned school as monitorial of a child with NEE per two years, period of training this promoted by the PBH (City hall of Belo Horizonte).


No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty