Every health-conscious active desires. With this fitness program, it is possible to sit at the PC. The optimal seating position is a constantly changing! You should never be longer than 2 hours at a time sitting. Make short movement breaks, where you perform a few gymnastic exercises and light stretching exercises. Get up and run a few laps around the desk. Keep in mind, your discs will be fed through stress and strain relief.
Hours and hours sitting is poison for your discs and your posture. Pre rolled shoulders, hunched back, and advanced head posture that are often in Office stallions”can be seen. Poor posture promote premature wear. What seating should you get? Fit ball? A fit ball is not a viable seat for the Office. You should no more than 20 minutes at a time sit on a fit ball, because it is a training device. Keeping a physiological posture is indefinitely when sitting on the ball hard.
The Chair: The Office Chair should be fully adjustable. The backrest should support the back listening position (on the phone), below the shoulder blades. In writing position, the backrest should support the basin on the edge of the pool. The rest may not spring here. The seat cushion is designed to support the optimal pelvic posture. There should be 4 front inclined 6 (knees lower than hips). Their knees must not touch the seat cushion while sitting. The seat height should be chosen so that both feet touch the ground fully. The flexion angle of the leg up to 90. Even better is when you can see your toes. Pay attention to an upright posture (mind grows in the sky and feet in the ground). Her shoulders should be back down. Keep up with the sit your flexibility. You need to move. Movement is life. Do not sit at your workplace as a clay figure. The workplace: eye top = upper edge of the screen. Her gaze is This 10 15, to the screen tilted downwards. The forearms angle: 90 the best Office tables are tables that can be used as seating and tables. > Walk, stand, sit. < This should be a small slogan for your work. Move around, run stairs. Climb stairs, your blood in the veins due to the contraction of the calf muscles 5 x faster flows back to your heart (10 cm per second instead of 2 cm per second).