The start-ups for many people an alternative to permanent employment. Often, once a business idea there, you can also start already. But it is not quite as easily as a rule. Only those who vorausdenkt well, has very good prospects of success. Helps a well-considered business plan. Who designed this perfectly, also has good conditions for a successful life as a self. Many a business start-ups have failed from the start, more specifically when it comes to basic questions, such as the sourcing of capital, the definition of doing business, or whether franchising or used more of a separate concept to be created. Also on sourcing of funds, such as a supporting start-ups often find it difficult or it can not find any investors. There are several different reasons, the most frequently observed reason, however, is a business plan that is not convincing. Those who are in the design of the business plan made little effort, to be with banks, privateInvestors or no chance of success achieved elsewhere can. Then the effort that was put into the business plan into it for the birds and the result was a disappointment. In addition, many entrepreneurs have failed at the beginning of their entrepreneurial activities. Again, the cause is often found in a lack of planning for enterprise creation. The business plan is an instrument that represents start-ups in the preparation of an application for assistance. With the support of this document starting a business can be carefully planned and open to a variety of contingencies out and structured. Who here thinks he can simply abandon the Vorbilanzierung of Finance or the subject of promotion in the business to be able to ignore, often seen in the phase of implementation of an enterprise evil obstacles. A bank or an investor is a business plan, in which the most important information was left out, certainly not convinced. Acomplete and convincing business plan is very important – after all, are rejected more than seventy percent of all loan applications from start-ups with banks. Before you get down to work, you should therefore be well informed, how to write a business plan. Read books on the subject. Obtaining it is information about which conditions such as a donor is usually a business plan. There are big differences. Who here is not sufficiently informed, will have problems with the business plan to achieve the desired result. Before your business plan with a financial institution or elsewhere to give presentation, you should also check to this. This better not trust them, on the sole case of friends and acquaintances who are not familiar with the theme perfectly, but you seek the opinion of trained counselors. With the help of a consultant, the Chamber of Commerce or other institutions is reliable and your plan to grow their business on a solidFoundation.